Sign up to Twitter for First Timers │What it takes to have a Twitter Handle

To create a twitter handle for first-timers isn't really a much of a task, all you need is a device that enables the functions of this social media, internet connections and then, welcome your self to the whole new experience.
To create an account on the web:

1. Go to the Official twitter website and find the sign up box, or go directly to twitter Sign Up page.
Enter your full name, phone number, and a password.

2. Click Sign up for Twitter.An SMS would be sent to your phone for Phone verification, so you would also need a valid account number.

3. Enter the verification code in the box provided.

4. Now you can select a username that would be used to identify you on twitter, so find a unique username, you will be told if it is available or not or choose form the suggestions made available

5. Double-check your name, phone number, password, and username.

6. Click Create my account.You may be asked to complete a Captcha so as to ensure that you are human. To use and email to create your account, scroll down at the bottom of the sign up page and click on button for email sign-up. This email has to be a functional email so as to grant you access while confirming your account. This email address isn't going to be made public, we use the email you enter to confirm your new Twitter account. For a successful Signup do check your email at the time of sign up.

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Since you are going to be known with this username, in comments, for follower-ship,etc it has to be a unique one. You will be given suggestions if the one you provided isn't available but feel free to choose your own. This username is subject to change just in-case you get something cooler than the previous. Usernames must be fewer than 15 characters in length and cannot contain "admin" or "Twitter", in order to avoid brand confusion.


What Next

After you must have signed up, it would actually look strange as a beginner, don't worry we all had that first experience, Now you can search for some of your friends and follow. Most times people follow back once they are being followed, and you could actually unfollow people, just by clicking the following button.

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