8 Shocking Facts about Love, Sex and Dating : The most difficult things are the easiest
Sometimes the most difficult things in life are the truth and what seems to be the best thing for us, but the easiest things in life tend to be the wrong once and very detrimental, it's just in the nature of man to deviate and ignore reality, but with time, life's lessons catch up with them and leaves them stranded, here are some wrong impressions about life we need to correct.
Shocking facts about Love, Sex and Dating :
- If you commit abortion, you are just a mother of a dead baby.
- Sex before Marriage is a big killer disease, you might think it's the only option to keep your relationship but, if he/she is just using you for fun then you will be left sooner or later unless they change their mind.
- The amount of sex partners you have only makes you exhibit the level of your ignorance.
- Age has a lot of role in giving experience, experience sometimes shows the level of your maturity, and Marriage is meant only for matured couples.
- Fornication makes one loose focus, integrity and self respect, most times they don't really go far in life be it in career, business and academics.
- Masturbation means you are not in charge of your life, something else is in charge...you know what i mean.
- Homosexuality simply means trying to prove God wrong.
- Self control means simply means being in charge.
Also Read : Best Marriage Advice
Its Never too late to be in control, everything has time SEX inclusive, as for those being in a relationship just for fun, then somewhere ...something is wrong.
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