Fake Media/ Trump and CNN again/ I am still President.

The Fake Media has faced the wrath of the Trump

Once again, President Donald Trump is at it again. This time he has hit the media very hard and...below the belt with his thunderous video tweet.

The video appears to be a clip of an outside ring wrestling with President Trump battering the Media, (CNN to be specific), leaving him (CNN) helpless on the floor and walking out chest high and a victor.

The Trump Official White House account subsequently retweeted the video which has been trending since Wednesday entitled "Trump takes down Fake News".

As if it wasn't enough Yesterday Trump retweeted about the media still in the mission of taking down "fake media" with just one tweet calling CNN "Fraud News", this tweet has been prominently pinned to his account.

This is one of his latest statement to the CNN, "The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I'm President, and they're not".

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