Car Owner ? Here are 6 Superb Car Maintenance Tips [ Car Detailing Technique ]
A Brand new car is a sight to behold and a pleasure behind the wheel which is appreciated even by those you drive by. If you really want to keep your car on the Road, then maintenance is essential. This can be quite expensive even time consuming, but...You have a car!!! So you just have to deal with it and... it worth's it. Now You have a Car, it has to remain in a great condition and this goes far beyond pouring oil, sprinkling of fairy dusts on the engine and using some kinda ionized wonder water for the interior. You have to adopt these 6 Superb Car maintenance Tips.
Therefore cultivate the regular oil -check habit before the engine starts. To Check the oil, all you need to do is take out the oil gauge, clean with a neat material and insert it back. If the car has been running then you need to wait for about 3minutes for the oil to settle but, if this is the first thing you are doing this for the day or the car has settled for quite sometime, then just go ahead pull out the oil gauge and observe it isn't at the shortage calibration.
Cars are subjected to, mud, sand, sun, grease acid raid, dead bugs, bird poops, snow etc. These wear your paints off. After the paints the next target, is the metal of the car. Gradually your car starts corroding. Secondly, you never could tell the amount of mud your wheels have packed until you wash and if you don't attend to these it might lead to clogging of your wheels, which would affect the brake pads somehow, directly or indirectly. So asides from safety precaution, you need to maintain the car and give it a re-sell-able value. Do not forget to detail your car.
Additional Information_ *How to detail your Car:
Avoid using the interior of a car as a garbage. or your wardrobe or office, you never know who your next passenger would be.
Keep in Mind that these tips are both for Car owners and Prospective Car owners.
ALSO READ: Car Maintenance Tips
6 Superb Maintenance Tips Car Owners
1. Cautious Driving:
Most times new car owners subconsciously drive every carefully especially, if they bought a car of their dream or if they had to save for long before buying the car, or for any other reason (s) but as time goes by (after they must have experienced scratches bumps, hits and road tussle for Power), they tend to remove that cautious courtesy. If you really want to maintain the exterior of your car, then you should consider driving very carefully and make it a part of you. Don't mind those yelling at you "Speed up" or "Move this Car". You know what you are doing, you are no fool. Better still don't be too slow or too callous. Just be Normal and drive reasonably.2. Oil / Lubricants
Motor oil is more or less the life wire of the engine, it plays a lot of role in your car's performance. There are lots of frictional contacts in a car's mechanism, the oil smooths and soothes this action to avoid grinding and tear beyond repair. Another function of the Oil is to emit heat from the combustion circle by sending it to the oil filter. This is why a car would go KAPUT if there isn't enough oil.Therefore cultivate the regular oil -check habit before the engine starts. To Check the oil, all you need to do is take out the oil gauge, clean with a neat material and insert it back. If the car has been running then you need to wait for about 3minutes for the oil to settle but, if this is the first thing you are doing this for the day or the car has settled for quite sometime, then just go ahead pull out the oil gauge and observe it isn't at the shortage calibration.
I think this should have even been the first on the list because of it's dual function (Value and Safety). Washing a Car seems to be for appealing the eye, but washing your car regularly isn't about having a sense of cleanliness. It has lots of role it plays in maintaining your cars function-ability.Cars are subjected to, mud, sand, sun, grease acid raid, dead bugs, bird poops, snow etc. These wear your paints off. After the paints the next target, is the metal of the car. Gradually your car starts corroding. Secondly, you never could tell the amount of mud your wheels have packed until you wash and if you don't attend to these it might lead to clogging of your wheels, which would affect the brake pads somehow, directly or indirectly. So asides from safety precaution, you need to maintain the car and give it a re-sell-able value. Do not forget to detail your car.
Additional Information_ *How to detail your Car:
- Thoroughly vacuum the interior of your car, treat stains with carpet and upholstery cleaner.
- Clean and treat interior plastic and vinyl with protectant.
- Use glass cleaner and news papers to clean the glasses.
- Clean inside door-jambs with multi purpose cleaner and wipe.
- Treat black trim with protectant if car has chrome or aluminum trim or wheels polish.
- Clay your car with detailing clay to remove bonded surface contamination, like brake dust.
- Moisten the clay with a cleaner and apply it to cars surface.
Apply wax on one small area of the car at a time until you cover the entire car. Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes, buff the wax off gently with a cotton towel or a power polisher.
Avoid using the interior of a car as a garbage. or your wardrobe or office, you never know who your next passenger would be.
4. Tires
These too should be checked frequently for inflation and tread depth. Under inflated tires tend to wear off quickly resulting to changes, and they could also negatively impact safety, gas mileage and performance. Do not be so much in a hurry to take off; take you time. it would save you your life and your wallet.5. Servicing Schedule
"My car doesn't give me any problem yet I would have to go to a mechanics garage only when I don't have any other option", No!!! my dear, where did you learn that from? Your car has to be serviced routinely. this proactive initiative will help keep your car running efficiently and will help avoid more expensive down the road repairs.6. Brakes
Finally BRAKES...the most crucial of them, the "Stop" command. Most Brand new brake pads actually don't need a break- in- procedure. So if you just bought a new Car, avoid high speed stops and dragging brakes. Meanwhile for those with older vehicles be vigilant about how your brake works, if you continue to get a metallic collision sound when you apply brake, drive down to the mechanics (unless you have an idea of how to change brake pads). Always check the floor below your engine for oil leakage, You might have a leakage in the Brake compartment (Brake Fluids).Keep in Mind that these tips are both for Car owners and Prospective Car owners.
ALSO READ: Car Maintenance Tips
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