Can You Make Your Bacon Without Flipping?

To make Bacon has now become a major concern for a vast majority of people, as the demand for Bacon increases. Bacon now come in different ways, both in nature and in the preparation. Fresh bacon may be dried for weeks or months in cold air, boiled or smoked. It can be eaten as a stand alone meal or a side dish mostly in the morning, it could also be served as a major or minor ingredient in a dish.

 This meat product prepared from cured pork has is now a popular demand to the extent that we tend to ask? Has the world run short of Bacon? Well....we would get to know soon.  It is very possible to prepare bacon without flipping, but there is something about the traditional method of flipping, if you don't flip then you don't have the feel of preparing bacon.

Here is the guideline to make bacon

First things first here are the ingredients:
1. 18 lbs thick sliced bacon

2. Teaspoon oil (optional) Oil is needed, only as a second ingredient so it can post.

Step 1: Arrange slices in rows, across pans with fat edges slightly overlapping lean edges.

Step 2 : Bake 375 degrees 20-25 minutes (depending on thickness) until bacon is slightly crisp.

Step 3 : Drain and flip bacon for about 5minutes and return back to oven.



1. Do not be too distracted to the extent of leaving your oven

2. Timing is everything. Do not let it over stay in fire.

3. Drain or skim off excess fat at needed.

4. Drain thoroughly on paper towels.

5. Use 325 degrees 20-25 minutes (Convection oven users)

6. After 20 minutes of baking, then be rest assured to receive a dry burnt bacon, so be vigilant and know when to stop after 20 minutes.

7. These steps are best if your Bacon is cured.

We stand to be corrected...lets know what you think about this


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