7 Unbelievable Reasons for Driving Accidents in the U.S

Accidents are said to be an unexpected and undesired event, a mishap unforeseen most times caused by Unbelievable reasons . Accidents can't be totally avoided as long as humans keep driving on surface of the earth. Car accidents in the United States are unfortunately very common, and most of these could be avoided , while few could actually not be avoided.

 Even with the level of development in technology, accidents are yet to be totally averted therefore, because we love our life, it would be very risky to drive in an unsafe manner. To be safe obey, all traffic and road safety laws, be careful , vigilant and avoid collision even if you aren't at fault.

There are lots of factors that cause accidents ranging from teenage driving, drugs, weather etc...Meanwhile here are some accident factors in the United States we need to discuss. Please do read carefully, spot your weakness(es) and advice yourself.


1. Road Signs

I know you would be a little surprised to see this as an accident factor. Road Signs are meant to keep order and road peace only when regulated, but some road signs are inherently dangerous even from the day they were put; right from the onset, for example; Severe Curve, Steep drop, or hill around bend that compromises driver visibility. At this point all you need to do is moderate your speed and take total control of your wheel.

2. Spills

These aren't just limited to oil and fuel. There could be sand or gravel spills due to construction error uncleared leaves and even snow could easily cause accidents. When noticed on time, it's best to take another route, it's better been Late, that being Late.


3. Distracted Driving

We all know the meaning of distraction, and we could relate to this in different ways, alright let's take this recent mishap in the U.S which resulted from distraction. Now there is this guy who was so engulfed in a discussion (I wonder what the topic was) that he didn't look over his shoulder to check out for his blind spot, and there was my friend doing 5miles over the speed limit, trying to get to her lane, and....BOOM there was a clash she was hit from the side..that was it. Good news.. everybody is alive, and the bad news is...the car in the pix is hers. Cut the long story shut, while driving, avoid texting, phone calls of any sort, eating, reading application of make up, most people even decide to change clothes behind the wheels, there are lots to of distractions one could avoid. I also advice to stay off some deep conversations while driving.

4. Drunk Driving

This is one of the most dangerous causes of accidents in the U.S and this could be very very deadly. If you have to drink, please take the cab, let your friend drive you home, or you could even leave your car well parked and pray for it's safety. It is better to loose a car than to loose a life.

5. Speed Kills

The real world isn't a video game, you could restart the game or given another chance to complete the car racing level. Just bear in mind that the faster you go, the more vulnerable you are to accidents. Speeding is a voluntary action, the driver is fully aware of his/her fault and yet default's. Speeding kills faster than Cancer.

6. Drowsy Driving

It has been reported that professional drivers have one time admitted to have slept for few seconds or minutes behind the wheels, this could happen to anybody, old and young, it could happen either during the day or at night. Some people feel it is quite irresponsible to get behind the wheels when tired but all it takes is self discipline and try to understand your body.

7. Reckless Driving

Now these are the people the cops should get off the road. They purposely disobey and disregard all road rules. One tends to wonder, why such in a hurry?, why switching lanes without signaling, oh the traffic lights...they are just meant for decoration and beautification in their world. If you are driving in a speed lane, residential area, it's beneficial to keep the rules, if not for the benefit of your own life think about your fellow commuters. hat should mean a thing to you.
Life is too short to be lost in a car accident. Drive with caution.

Long Live America!!!

Also Read : General Road Rules /What you need to know when driving in the US

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